Connected Body Podcast With Laura London
Hello and welcome to Connected Body Podcast. I’m Laura London founder of LauraLondonFitness.com & LauraLondonWellness.com, I am a regular mom who decided to step out of her comfort zone and get healthy and fit in my mid 40’s with a family and I have not looked back since.
I am a fitness expert, health coach, author, Reiki Master and self love warrior. This podcast for you if you want to feel confident, powerful, connected and strong in your body and life at any age. Then the Connected Body with Laura London Podcast is your new home.
I will bring you cutting edge health topics, thought leader and more to talk about all things health, fitness, mindset and living a connected life. Are you ready? Let’s go!
Laura Hope London
Connected Body Podcast With Laura London
Harnessing Your Healing Potential Through Energy Enhancement
Step into the realm of health and healing with the extraordinary Michelle Kaplan, owner of Love and Healing Energy in Delray. We explore her fascinating journey, tracing her path from a curious health enthusiast who healed her own sciatica using the power of her mind, to a holistic health revolutionary harnessing the potential of the Energy Enhancement System.
Join us for an exclusive walk-through of the sanctuary room, as we delve into the workings of this intriguing system while Michelle demonstrates it in action.
We'll also examine different frequency waves, learn about recharging your cells, and discover how you become the architect of your own healing. You won't want to miss out on some incredible testimonials, including a person who regained sight after using the system.
Plus, we'll give you a sneak peek into the events hosted at Love and Healing Energy, including a stimulating upcoming sound bath.
Get ready for an enlightening conversation about health, healing, and your untapped potential.
Website: http://www.loveandhealingenergy.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loveandhealingenergy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoveAndHealingEnergy
Love and Healing Energy
2196 W. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach, FL,
United States, Florida
I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Connected Body Podcast.
Hi everyone and welcome to the Connected Body podcast. I'm Laura London, founder of LauraLondonFitnesscom. I'm a regular mom who decided to step out of her comfort zone and get healthy and fit in my mid 40s with the family, and I have not looked back since. I'm a fitness expert, health coach, author, breaky master and self-love warrior. This podcast is for you. if you want to feel confident, powerful, connected and strong in your own body and life at any age, then the connected podcast is going to be your new home. Each week, i'll bring you a new health topic or thought leader to talk about all things health, fitness, mindset and living your best connected life. Are you ready? Let's go?
Laura London:Hi everybody and welcome to another episode of the Connected Body podcast. Today I have a fabulous, amazing guest. Her name is Michelle Kaplan and she's the owner of Love and Healing Energy in Del Ray, and I thought, instead of me explaining everything, i will just introduce Michelle and have her come right on. Hi Michelle, welcome. Hi Laura, thank you for having me. I'm so excited. we've been trying to get this interview going for a little while now and we are having success today. Yes, we are, michelle. why don't you start by telling us a little bit about yourself and how you started on this health and healing journey.
Michelle Kaplan:So my health and healing journey started a long time ago when I was healthy, which I'm still healthy today but I was always interested in healing the mind right, How powerful it is, how it can heal your body. I was able to heal my sciatica by reading a book about back pain and I had sciatica for 12 years and I read this book by Dr John Sarno, so I'd recommend that if anyone would like to go read that.
Laura London:I know that book.
Michelle Kaplan:Yeah, but you know what? I had had enough. I had had enough of pain and I guess I was leaving the pain in there because I was believing that it was there, right, because it becomes a habit and then it stays there. So I read this book and I was, you know, i think I was in my mid 30s or something like that and it changed my complete perception on, like, how powerful we are, like we literally can heal our bodies So fast forward, you know, to a couple years ago.
Michelle Kaplan:Once again, something happened with my body and I went on a journey searching for how to heal it holistically because that's always what I do And I came across this technology, the EESYSTEN energy enhancement system, and literally, as I was sitting in the system, i went to a place in New Jersey because there was nothing here. I felt my inflammation like subsiding, wow. So which? yeah? so, once again, it was like this whole thing opened up. It prompted me to open a center called Love and Healing Energy in Del Rey so people can learn how to heal their bodies and so far it's been very successful, amazing testimonials. But I mean, it just shows that there's this journey that people go through, this amazing journey that people go through, and it's one of those things where I just found out this was something that was calling to me, like to help people heal their bodies, and yeah, and so it's been an amazing journey so far and it keeps going, it keeps going.
Laura London:If I am correct, you started with the energy enhancement system in your house. Is that correct?
Michelle Kaplan:Well, the idea was to put it in my house, because I had said, well, if I don't have a location, then I'll put it in my house. But I was able to find a location so that was why it never actually went into my house, which was a good thing.
Laura London:Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. So I think people are wondering like okay, what is an energy enhancement system? What are you guys actually talking about?
Michelle Kaplan:So can we?
Laura London:expand a little on how What it is you describe.
Michelle Kaplan:I have a visual. I know it's not the great visual, but I Could probably take you into the sanctuary room.
Laura London:Let's go Oh.
Michelle Kaplan:You know what? there's people in there, but if we're quiet we can go in there and I can show you so. an energy enhancement system is basically Different frequency waves, so we have a scalar bio photonics waves, which is the lights that you see on the screens when we go in to the nachi sequence Shuman residents, all things natural to the body outside the atmosphere.
Michelle Kaplan:So, yeah, hyper healthy energy, and so we're gonna see radiation. So the founder of this technology, after Sandra Rose, michael, says we're in a sea of radiation. So our body doesn't perform properly because it just the functions are off. Our cell voltage is low, right. So when you sit in the energy enhancement system, you're actually recharging yourselves. That is what you're doing.
Michelle Kaplan:Your cell volts go up and the cells talk to each other and they perform Properly how to heal the body, and you're the healer of your own experience. So We don't heal you, you heal yourself. We just in and yeah, so we just give you this enhanced Energy. That's just super amazing for the body. So, all right, we're gonna go in, we'll be quiet.
Laura London:Let's take a peek. Take a peek. Oh, look at, yeah, can you see them in the background? everybody, the Energy enhancement system. She's got them in all four corners and People come in and they relax. And zero gravity chairs I'm talking quietly, so, um and you just sit there in this beautiful energy while all your cells get bathed in these beautiful Healing waves and it's like you are recharging your body and your cells. I love it. Oh yeah, beautiful, beautiful. You could tell how it's just peaceful, it's nice and quiet. All right, don't back up into it. Nice, beautiful, okay.
Michelle Kaplan:I'm super excited We were able to do that. I didn't even play, i didn't plan that. I was like thinking, oh, how am I gonna explain?
Laura London:All right, it's better to see, and now we have the visual and I'm gonna put in some pictures too, so everyone can really get an idea. Um, um, but, michelle, so people come in, you have to book an appointment. You can call love and healing energy, speak to Michelle and you can book your time slot. How long does a person usually stay in?
Michelle Kaplan:this is so usually two hours and it goes really fast because it's just so relaxing. It's such deep relaxation that an hour, honestly, i mean, if you have to do an hour, an hour, but an hour goes so fast So that people, honestly, if you really just want to get the full benefit, two hours is always best. So yeah, and that's how we, we structure our packages, so that you know you can have your two hours and it's actually better.
Laura London:Right, so we have. Yeah, you can look on the website love and healing energy and see the different packages and you could read more about Um the energy enhancement system. Now I know you have amazing testimonials and a testimonial reel.
Michelle Kaplan:What what one testimony like stands out Now well, i have several that stand out, but here's one, a legally blind person starting to see again. I love that one, whoa, because that's a, that's a visual one, right? So we all have sight, so we, we know what it's like when we we can't see properly, whatever right. And and this guy's actually Starting to see again.
Laura London:Oh, I love that one.
Michelle Kaplan:I love that one.
Laura London:That's fabulous. Yeah, that's really fabulous.
Michelle Kaplan:And then there's other ones too, like you know, neurological issues, that are there's better balance. People are having more balance.
Laura London:There's there's all kinds of other things, but yeah, because when, when your whole, when your body is connecting, it's like the TV is fuzzy and then, when you start, the cells get healthier, then you can, you know the body works clearly at full capacity and things start functioning correctly again, as they should.
Michelle Kaplan:Exactly, so you know a little bit about it.
Laura London:Just a little for sure I I have been there. So Michelle has an amazing Events also at love and healing energy all the time. So you can always check her e her event schedule. Michelle share with us some of the events that are coming up soon.
Michelle Kaplan:Okay, i would love to thank you. This is one coming up. Look, i have a sound bath coming up. Yeah, i don't know when is this airing, because this is gonna be.
Laura London:Hopefully, hopefully, today's July 6. So that's July 13th, yeah that's not bad.
Michelle Kaplan:I love and healing energy, and then you're doing a sound bath and I'll be doing one on the 18th of July 18th right and then we have oh, you know what we have that people it might want to come to. It's really fun. Look at this We have a healing happy hour. It's free in our courtyard.
Laura London:Oh, that's that. She has an amazing courtyard in front of the store.
Laura London:The shop, i don't want you want to call it, where people can gather and she has a lot of events outside And she'll take you inside on tours so you can really experience and see What happens at love and healing energy, and I know I've been to many amazing speakers already. We I listened to Morley Robbins from the root cause protocol. You always have speakers coming in and and events just educating. That's what I love about what you do, michelle You educate people and give them the tools.
Michelle Kaplan:Yeah, absolutely Well, especially with this technology, you know, vibrational technology, i mean it's, it's the future and People. they really are not aware of what's going on and what's there for them. So there's so many people that just go conventional routes? Yes, and this is so natural because it's occurring out in the atmosphere, right?
Michelle Kaplan:so this is so natural to us that It's not woo-woo far out. It's just natural to the body, right, so right. The more we can get the word out about this, i think a lot of people are going to heal themselves a lot faster. Yeah.
Laura London:I think so. It's important. Yeah, when you, the body is electric, like if your heart stops, what do they do? They shock it with electricity. We are electrical beings and when our voltage gets low, we feel low, we don't have the energy. And it's so important, you know, to go outside, put your feet in the grass, go sit in the energy enhancement system, anything you can to recharge the body. Sun, sun through the eyeballs, mm-hmm. Natural things that we can do. So I love. I love that.
Michelle Kaplan:I know we're making it very easy and, most importantly, affordable for the everyday person to come in and use the system like every week if they want. So we have all different kinds of packages for people.
Laura London:And what could be better? Taking time for yourself. You know it's, it's so huge and important to make time for yourself.
Michelle Kaplan:Yeah, absolutely Well, if anyone wants more information, they can go to lovinhealingenergycom, and I have my full calendar. We do a calendar, So it's July, so this is our July calendar. We have a lot of events and I actually have two events in that that aren't even on there, but they can go to the events page or our Facebook page and, you know, connect with us and I'd be happy to give whoever Additional information, just so they can see what it is beautiful and where we could so tell us, say the Address of lovinhealing energy, and I'll put it all on the links also sure, it's 2196 West Atlantic run, the Southwest corner of Atlantic in Congress, so we're just one block west of 95.
Michelle Kaplan:I like to say we're where east meets west. We're not quite downtown, but we're downtown. It's With parking, with parking, with parking which is huge in Delray. I love that. Yeah, exactly.
Laura London:Okay, so let's see. We talked about the events. We talked about coming in. I think that that covers it. If you anyone who wants more information, you can always feel free to call Michelle, go to the website, learn more. I note that these energy enhancement systems are rolling out across the globe because, yeah, that's how important they are, and the science.
Laura London:They're working and the science behind. Like we touched on the science, like Much. There's so much and it's truly amazing, so I encourage everyone to learn more about about it. But thank you, thank you so much, michelle. It was wonderful having you on the connected body podcast.
Michelle Kaplan:Thanks for having me.
Laura London:It was so beautiful to see you All right and we hope to see you at love and healing energy And I'll see everyone on the next episode of the connected body podcast. Bye, bye. Bye.